10 Important Things To Trading FOREX
This time I will discuss about what needs to be considered, especially for nubie who have recently joined or are just learning about FOREX, because actually FOREX is not sesimple or as easy as promised by the Broker FOREX.
In fact a lot of people who do not FOREX know that the risk is very large, and can cause loss quickly. Whereas in FOREX to we can get the required profit tansaksi Strategy and Risk management is good.
Here are some things we need to consider before we come to trade on FOREX and in order to get a consistent profit:
1. Do not Trust Words - said Marketing
Many deals that seemed - it will make us a big profit in the world FOREX Trading, with a promise - a promise grandiose even some promising the warranty if the way they provide fail so we buy the product (E-Book, or training) which they offer at a price - the price is fantastic. But is it true?! ok, maybe they have the right way - really good. And know a lot of people - people who have been successful in FOREX this world who share their knowledge for FREE we need to do is just ask, seek, and choose which one fits us.
2. Never trading Scalping
Many say that the most successful way in forex Trading Chopi - Chopi or scalping. But in reality, you can not do it !!!. Many nubie or who are new to the world FOREX Scalping is tempted by, and all of them failed within weeks. This is because all the shortterm trend movements can not read and can change with the blink of an eye. You want proof?! try to ask people - people who say that they are successful in a way that scalping dya shows real accounts they have and see if scalping way they do it can last more than two years.
3. Use Smart not Hard Work How
You do not need to be a hard worker who early in the day and night was always in front of the monitor to be able to get profit in FOREX. All you need is to use a smart way, because FOREX requires a Risk Management Strategy and the right to be able to reap profits in FOREX. And to get the right way that we need to do is to find and collect all the information about how - how to get profit in FOREX and made in a way that fits with your character.
4. Risk = Result
If you are afraid of the risk, then my advice is do not participate Forex. Since Forex is a business filled with risk of loss. Many Forex traders who deliberately want to avoid the risk of loss with Local king, putting stoploss at a very close distance, and fear of losing profits so that when profit quickly liquidated whereas at the time of loss is left floating without limitation loss. The above items will never produce anything - nothing because to be successful in Forex you have to face the risk not avoid it, because No Risk = No Reward
5. Do It Yourself and Do not Rely on Others
Many nubie who do not want to bother with the funds they investkan in Forex, and entrust their funds to the broker or fund manager granted. And without us knowing brokers are not gods who can certainly generate profit for us (for they certainly profit, due to the existence of a transaction they get a commission). In addition to following the way of others, with the lack of discipline and surrender after suffering loss then we will never get / find opportunities to be successful in Forex. Because only Confident and understand the conditions in the Forex market is the key to our success in Forex transactions, and ourselves alone are responsible for the success or failure of our transaction.
6. Use the Most Easy to Understand
Use the easiest way we know is the most appropriate way to be able to get profit in Forex. Because the more difficult way, or the more advanced way we will not guarantee that we will get definite profit. Since there is nothing more difficult analytical way we do with market movements. Especially for you people - people who are new to understand Forex, look for the most simple way that is easy to understand, such as: support and ressistance, understand trends, and learn some indicators. Way - way above are the basic - basic analysis is most often used by professional traders, so as to understand - the above then it will enhance us to get a better profit.
7. Trend Following
Knowing the trend of a currency that will allow us to determine the position (Buy / Sell) in the transaction. To understand more about this trend seek information from people - people who have more experience or from books - forex books, and practice the / train the ability to determine the trend. So with over time we will become a person skilled in the transaction.
8. Patience, Discipline, andDare
more often we transactdoes not ensure that we get the profit will be greater, but we will get the profit from the rapid and precise we analyze the movement of the market, determining the transaction plan, and risk management that we use. Always patiently waiting for the right moment, Discipline in carrying out the transaction plan that we set, and risk-taking will lead us to success in Forex transactions in a long time.
9. Realistic
It is likely that many of our benefit greatly from participating Forex transactions. But do not rush - rush to pursue profits 50% - 100% with Forex transactions because in reality a lot of traders who suffered losses. In fact, because they want to get more profit, many traders who ignore the analysis, they do not even want to admit that their analysis was saah so they terjerembat in losses. So be realistic to achieve the advantage that even a small but stable, then success will follow in the course of time. And stop to become millionaires overnight with Forex.
10. be Yourself
After knowing 9 above, then this is the most important factor. Because by being yourself you will understand your strengths and weaknesses in the transaction in Forex, so you will understand what you have to do to be able to improve themselves and find a transaction strategy that fits your character each - each. And by being yourself you will understand limits - limits losses unacceptable to you, so that you can adjust the risk management that you'll use it more easily.
That 10 It is important that we should know before we plunge in the world of Forex. Hopefully this article useful to us all.
Happy Trading ^ _ ^
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